

  1830-st-james-cemetery-crane.jpg St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830St James' Cemetery, Looking North, 1829ThumbnailsSt James' Cemetery, c.1830  
St James' Cemetery, c.1830

This lithograph by W. C. Crane shows the cemetery around 1830. The minister's house is shown on the mount at the right of the picture, with the houses on Hope Street (Gambier Terrace) on the left. The centre of the image is dominated by the ramps and catacombs of the east wall. Very few gravestones are shown, and Huskisson's monument has not yet been built. Visitors are shown throughout the grounds, including a couple with a small child. Distant figures are also shown walking on the ramps.