

When I first started to put this site together, back in 1998, very little was known about the patch of land behind Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.  It soon became apparant to me the importance of St. James’ in the history and development of Liverpool.

This 10 acre site holds the remains of nearly 58,000 people.   From a Sea Captain, stabbed to death in suspicious circumstances in the Bay of Biscay, to a simple serving girl.  From a Midget Artist who spent her early years in a Victorian freak show and later painted England’s Nobility, to children who died during the great cholera epidemics.  From an American Senator, to a sailor who fought at the Battle of Trafalger, they all found their final resting place here in St.James’ Liverpool.

Visits since May 2000

Please Click HERE for some important information about this site. UPDATED!

In the following pages I will show you around, and introduce you to some of the people buried here, I will show you what i have managed to piece together of the history of the grounds and what many other people from around the world have contributed to this project..

Hope you enjoy your visit.


Page Last Updated

© Mike Faulkner 2016